Privacy Policy for the App
BabyPhone Mobile
Responsible body in the sense of the data protection laws is:
Papenmeier Software UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Berliner Ring 43
72076 Tübingen
Phone: 07071/1384569
With this privacy policy, we want to provide you with comprehensive information on how data is collected, transmitted and/or stored by this app. This app is a baby monitor app that allows for the transmission of data from a Sender-Device, which is placed near a baby, to a Receiver-Device, which is placed near the parents. The transmission of data must be actively initiated by the user by installing this app on both devices and connecting the devices through this app. First, we explain which data is recorded and transmitted in this situation. Thereafter, we elaborate on how this app processes additional data.
Transmission of data between the Sender-Device and Receiver-Device
As Sender-Device, we denote the device on which this app is started as Sender. Typically, the Sender-Device is placed in the baby's sleeping room. The Sender-Device records a number of data such as the loudness of the baby and transmits this data to the Receiver-Device.
As Receiver-Device, we denote the device on which this app is started as Receiver. Typically, the Receiver-Device is carried along by the parents or placed near the parents. It serves mainly for receiving the data transmitted by the Sender-Device and presenting this data to the parents.
On the Sender-Device, the app accesses the microphone for recording the sound level of the surrounding environment that it then transmits to the Receiver-Device. Further, audio is recorded and transmitted to the Receiver-Device where it is played back, such as when the baby cries. On the Receiver-Device, the app accesses the microphone only while the talk-back button is pressed by the user. In this case, the voice of the parents is recorded on the Receiver-Device and transmitted to the Sender-Device where it is played back. Microphone data is not stored permanently.
The camera is accessed on the Sender-Device only. A preview image is shown on the Sender-Device. This supports the parents in adjusting the orientation of the camera to their needs. The parents can use the Receiver-Device to start and stop the transmission of camera images from the Sender-Device to the Receiver-Device. Further, the parents can control the camera light of the Sender-Device from the Receiver-Device. The camera image that was transmitted last stays active on the Receiver-Device until it is overwritten by a new image or until the app is closed. Camera images are not stored permanently.
Temperature Sensors and Humidity Sensors
If the Sender-Device has a supported temperature sensor or humidity sensor, the temperature and humidity of the surrounding can be recorded. This data is transmitted from the Sender-Device to the Receiver-Device where it is presented on screen. The latest transmitted sensor values stay active on the Receiver-Device until they are overwritten by new data or until the app is closed. Sensor data is not stored permanently.
Battery Level
Battery level is monitored on both the Sender-Device and Receiver-Device. Doing so, a warning can be shown in case battery level drops below a predefined limit. Further, the battery level of the Sender-Device is transmitted to the Receiver-Device where it is presented on screen. The latest battery level received stays active on the Receiver-Device until it is overwritten by new data or until the app is closed. Battery level data is not stored permanently.
The app is intented to by used with any desired network, such as a mobile internet connection. Therefore, the transmission of data is encrypted. The user may also activate an end-to-end-encryption using a custom password. Doing so, audio and video data will be encrypted using the custom password before transmission. The custom password is encrypted and stored locally on the respective device.
Detection of Connectivity Issues
In order to ensure the functionality of the connection between the Sender-Device and Receiver-Device, small status messages are transmitted between the two devices regularily. This supports for the quick detection of connectivity issue and the notification of the user about such issues with a warning dialog. The connectivity status is not stored permanently.
In order to ensure a stable connection between the devices, they do not connect directly with each other. Instead, both the Sender-Device and Receiver-Device connect with our server cluster that acts as intermediary. To allow for an unambiguous and anonymous identification of connected devices, each device is assigned a random identification number. This identification number is stored on both the devices and the server cluster. The identification numbers are associated with technical information that are used to transfer the data between the Sender-Device and Receiver-Device. Examples are a list of devices that are allowed to connect with a Sender-Device, the time of last activity, and the information on which server of our cluster the Sender-Device is connected to. Furthermore, a random license number is generated that can be associated with license purchases. The license number is used to manage access rights to the server cluster and it can be activated on an arbitrary number of devices by entering it in the license manager. With a valid license number, one device may be active on the server cluster at the very same time. In order to allow for the transfer of data between the Sender-Device and Receiver-Device, all data is temporarily stored in memory. Once the data is transmitted, it is deleted immediately. The data is neither evaluated nor stored for longer durations. By activating the end-to-end-encryption within the app, audio and video data will be encrypted before transmission. Thus, this will also prevent any processing of the audio and video data on the server cluster technically.
Acquisition and Usage of Further Data
Update Check
If the app was downloaded and installed from our website, the app may include an update check feature. Thereby, the app can check for new version by querying our server. A respective message about new versions is presented to the user. If the app was downloaded through an app store, the update policy of the respective app store is in effect. Please contact the respective app store for further information on the respective update process and the data collected and stored within this process.
Transmission of Bugs or Feature Requests
The app provides you with the opportunity of informing us about bugs or sending us feature requests. Doing so, an e-mail template with our e-mail address as receiver is shown. In order to send us bugs or feature requests, you enter this information in the e-mail template. By sending the e-mail, the information is transmitted to us. Because this is a normal e-mail, we will see the e-mail address that you sent the message from.
Saving Properties and Settings
Properties can be changed within the app. Examples are the playback sound level or transmission duration of videos. Those properties and settings are stored locally on the respective device.
Acquisition of Data by App Stores
The app is offered through a number of app stores. The app stores manage app downloads and purchases by themselves. Please refer to the information provided by the respective app stores on which data they collect and how they process data.
Website, Deletion of Data, Your Rights
Details about the use of data on the website, the deletion of data, and your rights are available here: General Privacy Policy
Last Updated and Changes to this Privacy Policy
This privacy policy is currently valid and was last updated in May 2018. As a result of the further development of our website and offers thereof or due to changed legal or official requirements, it may be necessary to change this privacy policy. The current privacy policy can be accessed and printed by you at any time on the website at